Certified Flight Instructor Intensive Initial/Renewal Training Course


This rigorous course is an intensive 14 day Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) initial training program designed to prepare candidates for a CFI initial certificate or to reinstate their CFI using industry driven best practices. Scenario based methods, differentiated instruction, and collaboration between peers will be emphasized when training future primary and commercial students. Applicants will experience the course together, as a cohort, and learn to fly and instruct in Anchorage, Alaska. This location will only enhance your skill set because mountain flying is a daily aspect of your flight training and lesson development. This unique environment will teach you to emphasize situational awareness and critical thinking in all of your training. Ground training, mentoring, and flight training will occur daily with peer development of lessons. The course is led by an experienced Gold Seal CFI with years of experience training new CFIs. This course will be supportive and collaborative, with an emphasis on growth-mindset as applicants learn to teach. You will learn to “train like you fly.” We will use scenarios as a means to deliver primary information and as a means to teach correlation of concepts, good aeronautical decision making skills, and risk management skills. The skills learned in this course will be transferable to any training environment. The goal is to produce highly competent CFIs with the understanding that every instructional action they take has an effect on the commercial and general aviation pilots of tomorrow. We believe the utmost priority is to prepare CFIs to be completely independent and employable in a variety of training locations. At Alaska Floats and Skis, we are passionate about training exceptional aviators and this course only furthers that deeply rooted commitment.

Requirements for Applicants
  • Total Course Price: TBD
  • Must have ASEL Commercial Certificate with very recent flight experience/proficiency
  • 3rd Class Medical (minimum)
  • FOI/FIA Knowledge Tests complete prior to arrival
  • Desire to work hard, learn, and a willingness to work with and support peers throughout training
  • Complete the Course Application for review and admittance into the program
  • email: [email protected] with any questions
Included in the course
  • up to 14 days of lodging at Alaska Floats and Skis in Anchorage, Alaska
  • up to 14 days of having a company vehicle
  • Students stay together in the lodge as a cohort with all day access to instructors
  • Up to 15 hours of flight training time (average 1 flight per day)
  • Up to 5 hours/day of Ground School with experienced CFIs = 40+ hours of logged ground instruction (multiple instructors)
  • CFI checkride with DPE
  • Special Guest Speakers
  • Full Curriculum/Online Lessons and Materials
  • Course Materials:
    • Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
    • Airplane Flying Handbook
    • Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook for High Wing Aircraft
    • Train Like You Fly : A Flight Instructor’s Guide to Scenario-Based Training
    • Lesson Plans: To Train Like You Fly
    • 2025 FARAIM
    • 3 inch binders/tabs
Not included in the course
  • Airfare to and from Anchorage
  • Over 15 hours of flight time will be charged at a discounted rate
  • Instruction for FOI/FIA knowledge tests – must be done 2 weeks prior to start of class
  • Spin training
  • Food