Comfortable, Private Lodging

During your course you will stay at our family home in Anchorage. It is a multi-family home with a private bedroom and bathroom and a shared kitchen and living room with one other pilot in a downstairs apartment. Upstairs is main family house where Missy and Jayson live.

The Full Alaskan Experience

To make the Alaskan experience complete, during your training you will be comfortably lodged near Lake Hood in our downtown home. It is nicely furnished and supplied with private rooms and all amenities including:

  • Running hot and cold water
  • Private room + Restroom
  • Full kitchen with appliances and utensils
  • Fresh towels and bed linens
  • TV- netflix, hulu, amazon prime
  • High-Speed Internet
  • Washer/dryer

Anchorage Location:

Plane Flown: Piper Pacer or Supercub on Floats @ Lake Hood

If you choose a float course or mountain flying course in Anchorage with the Pacer or Supercub, lodging is in a home in Government Hill. It is a quiet and very safe neighborhood. Jayson and Missy live in this “multifamily” home and you can expect some fire-pit beer drinking, outside bbqs, and fun for all. The portion of the house for clients has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a full kitchen, and all the supplies for your stay (linens, pots/pans, etc.).